How To Guide
Getting Started
This is a quick 3 minute read on how to register, download, and get started.
Click on "Register" in the navigation bar above. Decide account type. A user account is for a single user who may eventually
use and or make limited purchases. A manager account is for a person who may manage many user accounts and or make many purchases
of 1 or more copies. If you register as a user, you can switch to a manager with a simple e-mail request. If you are a technician
calibrating in a lab and decide to use Power Freq, you have the option to join your manager’s group. If left unchecked it is very
easy to join a group at a later date. Fill out all the necessary information and you will receive an email with your registration
Download & Install
Once registered and logged on, click on "My Account >> Downloads >> Power Freq". Your download will
take place instantly. After it finishes click the setup.exe file, and follow all the prompts, to install. Once installed it will
show on your desktop. Click "Offline" and enter your Username and Registration Code from your email or the Download section from
My Account. That’s it! It takes typically about 5 min or less to get up and running!
Transfer License(s)
If you have made any purchases click "My Account >> Transfers", you will be able to see how many copies of license(s) you have
and the number of transfers available per license. In the tab directly above, "Managed Accounts" is a layout of the users in
your group and the license(s) in their group. Lets say you have an account with 2 users Tom & Jerry. You have made a purchase
for the 8845A & 8846A. You decide to issue them both to Tom. Select your username from the "From:" dropdown and select Tom from
the "To:" dropdown, increment 8845A & 8846A and click "Transfer". For Tom to receive his new licenses he must open the Power
Freq desktop app and click "Offline >> User >> Check for Updates" and follow the prompts. If you decide to transfer those same
licenses from Tom to Jerry, follow the same procedure "To:" goes to Jerry "From:" goes to Tom. To finish the process Tom must
initiate Check for Updates first in Power Freq, then Jerry does the same in his desktop app. Any additional purchases made may
be transferred to any user within your group at any time. All transfers reset every year from the date of purchase. A single
license purchased (Ex. 34470A) has 1 transfer per year. A series license purchased (Ex. 344xxA Series) all instruments in that
series can be transferred up to 3x per year.
Transfer Users(s)
If you are a manager and have users you wish to join your group, the easiest way is when they initially register their new user
account click on the join your manager’s group box and fill in the manager’s username. If not, to transfer an active user click
"My Account >> Add Users", fill out the necessary information, click "Send Request". They will receive an email, and follow the
instructions, which are to login to their account and enter the transaction code they received. Once done they are added to your
group. Click "My Account >> Managed Accounts" to see users in your group and the license(s) they hold.
Find Instruments
After you are signed up, have Power Freq downloaded, & ready calibrate. Searching for instruments is easy. In Power Freq, Offline
or Online, select any instrument, fill out the necessary information, & click "Start". Fill out more info about your uut and click
"Start" again. On your calibration page click "Tools >> Instruments >> Comm". Ensure your instruments are connected and powered
on. Instruments may be connected either GPIB or USB. Press "Scan" and Instruments found will be populated, select the one you need
then select your standard needed. Press "Populate" then "Save and Exit". You can view your standards in the Additional Info side
tab on the calibration page. Also, if you press "Scan" and nothing is connecting, ensure you are using National Instruments driver
NI-488.2 version 17.6 or higher. You should be able to open the National Instruments program and communicate with various standards.
For instruments like power sensors, from your calibration page, click "Tools >> Instruments >> Non Comm" and fill out all necessary
information. Press "Save Data" then "Select and Exit". Some procedures require exact info and cal data. To view this, in the Non
Comm Data form, navigate to the Information tab. All of your saved power sensors are located in the All Sensors tab. On the
calibration page you can view your sensor data in the Sensor Data tab.
View Product & Procedure Numbers
To view the version of Power Freq you are using, open your desktop app and click "Offline >> User >> Some Info". At the bottom of the
form is your product version. To verify if it’s the most current version, log into your account at, click "My Account
>> Downloads" and compare it to the Active Version. If they are different simply click "Offline >> User >> Check for Updates" in your
desktop app.
To view the procedure listings Offline or Online click "User >> Some Info" and navigate to the Procedures tab. Also, on the calibration
page when running an instrument, navigate to the Additional Info tab and view the procedure number in the Measurement Results box.